Recommended Books for further study:
'Our Father Abraham - Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith' by Marvin R. Wilson
'Exploring Our Hebraic Heritage - A Christian Theology of Roots and Renewal' by Marvin R. Wilson
'The Jewish Jesus' by David Hoffbrand
'Your People Shall Be My People' by Don Finto
'Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus - How the Jewishness of Jesus can Transform your Faith' by Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg
'Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus - How the Jewish Words of Jesus can Change your Life' by Lois Tverberg
'No Strange God - An Outline of Jewish Life and Faith' by Gordon Jessup
'The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah' by Alfred Edersheim
'Sketches of Jewish Social Life in the Days of Christ' by Alfred Edersheim
'60 Questions Christians Ask About Jewish Beliefs and Practices' by Michael L. Brown
'Our Hands are Stained with Blood - The Tragic Story of the "Church" and the Jewish People' by Michael L. Brown
'So Deeply Scarred - A History of "Christian" Antisemitism' by Howard Morgan
'The Gospel in the Feasts of Israel' by Victor Buksbazen
'Understanding Jesus' by Joe Amaral